#2 Abicidando at Opificio Golinelli

Workshops days dedicated to a creative exploration of letters, In the occasion of Bologna Children's Book Fair 2018

26-29.3.2018 - ENDED

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March 26 to 29 – H 9am> 4pm
Opificio Golinelli, via Paolo Nanni Costa 14, Bologna
In occasion of Bologna Children’s Book Fair and BOOM! Crescere nei libri 2018

This is the second edition of Abicidando, a collaboration between Griffo-the great gala of letters and fondazione Golinelli. Four days, at Opificio Golinelli, full of workshops, labs, exhibitions, book readings and presentations for kids and young adults, an invitation for a creative exploration of letters and writing.

Full program
info: eventi@fondazionegolinelli.it


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